anna mueller


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Anna Mueller was born in Italy in 1960 and grew up in Switzerland. After completing her studies at the Monte Verità Hotel School in Ascona, she studied interior design and has been active as an artist since 1994. Her works and contributions include several workshops with artists, artwork used for greeting cards for the Red Cross of Cameroon and the ICRC in Colombo and Budapest, traveling exhibition on the architect Borromini on behalf of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, to name a few. Under the patronage of the ICRC, she participated as a featured artist in the exhibition commemorating the 150th anniversary of the Battle of Solferino held in Johannesburg, and dedicated a work for the ICRC's historic document handover ceremony 27 years after Nelson Mandela's release from Robben Island. This work is now part of the permanent collection of the Nelson Mandela Museum in Cape Town. In the late 1990s, Dutch painter Carolina Olivieri-Munroe introduced her to tempera and since then she has used this technique to paint mainly on large canvases. This experience allows her to develop her own technique of collage with mixed media and recuperation of used materials. In 2000 she was invited to participate in a workshop by a Sri Lankan gemologist, where she acquired the skills necessary to create small sculptures and rings. Since then Anna has revelled in creating small sculptures and rings combining different materials and in silver.
Prolonged travels and stays in many parts of the world, such as Kenya, Cameroon, Sri Lanka, Macedonia, Jordan, Angola, South Africa, Senegal, Ivory Coast, Thailand, and the last 4 years in Ukraine, and the sometimes tragic realities of those places, deeply inspire her work. These impressions in her own words, "If some lives form a perfect circle, others take different forms that we cannot predict or fully understand. Pain and joy are part of the human and social struggle. Art is an important way to shake up the society that is unwilling to see!" She has exhibited her works in Switzerland, Cameroon, Sri Lanka, South Africa, Senegal, Kosovo and the United States. Anna's works are part of private collections on five continents. Anna lives and works in Locarno.

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